Blazin' Sticks

Knitting, crocheting, sewing, school, people, life

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Popcicle Gang

So yesterday my friends and I (or rather, SOME of my friends and I) went to the Mall. And we walked in and the second thing I saw (the first being the black and white picutres of hot shirtless guys hung up in the abacrombie window), was the Gap.

Do you like Gap? I have gotten a lot of clothes there up until rcently when the girs sizes were too juvinille (not too small, too juvinille) and the womens sizes are still too big.

So andyway, my friends and I walk in there, and we start looking as stuff and going " oh, I like that," or "Oh, that's a weird color," when we got to the clearence section and saw them:

Sweaters for $1.97 a piece.

Yes!! I know!!! perfect for frugal people like ourselves!! We all decided to get one, and after we came out of Gap, we would go in the Ladies' room and put them on.

So, we got the sweaters and the went into American Eagle (where we considered getting underware, but decided not to).

After a while we saw the bathrooms, so we went in there and put on our sweaters. When we came out, a lot of people stared at us. A couple asked if we were sisters, and we explained the $1.97 bargien. One of my friends caught someone taking a picure of us (from BEHIND!!!).

We also decided, to bother our no-gang-enforing Vice Principal, we should become......

The Popcicle Gang!!!

(hahahaha, we laugh in his face......hahahahahahA!!!!)


Anyway...more on the POPCICLE GANG l8r!

~*teen Knitter*~

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The News that DID make the news......

So on my mostly favorite radio station, they do this thing every weekday morning about 8:15 called The News That Didn't make the News. And they have funny and somtimest stupid stories about things that have happpend. But since my school starts at, like, 8:30, I only get to listen to it on no-school days. we have the news that DID make the news. SOOOOO.......

From the North!
The South!
The East!
And the West.......It's time for.....the News that DID make the News......

beep be-beep beep
(That's what you hear on the radio)
Didja hear? Our always well mannered (NOT!!!!) VP Mr. Dick Cheney......

SHOT A MAN by "accident"! Yes!

Okay, if there is one man who should not be alowed to handle a gun, It's Dick. I mean, he has been known to say the F-word in public. What does that tell you about him? Oh, I remember.......HE HASN'T GROWN OUT OF THE AGE RANGE FROM 11-18!!!! HE CAN NOT STOP ACTING LIKE A TEENAGER!!!!!!!!

I would like to see him get kicked out of office for this, but that probaly isn't going to happen.

Seriously, though, what kind of name is he giving the republican party?

Go here:
for more imfo.

beep beep be-beep beep


Isn't that sad? I think it is because this was her last chance at the gold, and she had to withdraw due to groin injuries.

That's all the news we have for now. Thanks, and TTYL!

Teen Knitter

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What starts on Friday? That's right.....

OMG!!!! You know how the winter 2006 olympics start friday? In Italia? Well, here we are anouncing the 2006.......
Well, I don't want to do anymore stars, so......
Yes! I know! Isn't it awesome?

Go to for details. I am going to enter the one my local news paper is having and so the Punk Rock Backpack from Debbie Stollers' "Stich 'n Bitch". This is a challenge for me because the intarisa (collored design that is kniited into the bag) scares me. Of course, that's the hardest part, but whatever.

Anyway, can't wait to do it!!!!

Remember, you can't cast on till the torch is lit on friday (which esp. stinks for me as I have no other projects going right now).

Anyway, GOOD LUCK!!!!

~teen knitter~ :-#